When you’re brand new to gluten free, going on vacation can feel pretty daunting. At home, everything feels new and exciting but when vacation time rolls round, it’s often easier to relax a little, kick back and put your gluten free plans on hold.
Or is it?
If I had a two bite brownie for every time I heard someone say that they ate a little gluten and suffered terrible effects, I’d have enough sweet treats to keep the population of Port Coquitlam smiling for a month! One of our lovely friends on Facebook felt it in her joints right away.
That doesn’t sound like kicking back and relaxing to me!
What if there was another way? The good news is, we believe there is.
Why not combine quick and easy, ‘done for you’ options with delicious seasonal fruit and veg?
Whether it be pancakes for breakfast or pizza for dinner, there’s really never any need to eat gluten if you don’t want to.
You can tell your knees to thank me later! 
Grab yourself a gluten free pizza shell and let’s get cooking!
And then tell me … what’s your favourite topping? If you love being inventive you’re going to love what we’re cooking up! Get your name on our email list and you’ll be the first to know.
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